Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Storm is Brewing

As the photograph depicts, a storm is brewing on the horizon. Friend, my warning for you, is that the storm is closer than you think. I have shared new and enlightening views of Daniel's prophecies that are just recently being unlocked. These visions,written by Daniel, were available to anyone who had the scripture to read. However, the understanding of the scripture was sealed from the mind of man. They haven't been unlocked just because we have  recently became smart enough to understand. No, they are being discerned due to one disclaimer spoken by the Lord, time. When it became the right time period, then these things would be unlocked to the minds of men. That time, I believe, is today. The purpose for this unveiling is to share with the world, the end times events and schemes of the devil that are upon us, and the Lord is soon to re-appear. Secondly, to give the believer truths in order to be free in the oppressive world of the enemy. Many will be blinded through an oppressive spirit that is rolling across the land. However,Jesus said, the truth will make you free. This freedom, the known truth, allows the believer to move in the face of this oppressive spirit. The Spirit of Truth will give you the boldness to speak in a time period when the world is shouting at truth to be silent. I have learned, that when you speak the words of truth, the world, some from religious background, will attempt to silence the words you speak. However, when the words of truth get inside you it is like a FIRE, shut up in your bones! It must be spoken. I have given you evidence of the image of Daniel's beast was not Rome. Now, I am going to show you more compelling evidence. I taught a series about the government of Christ. In the series, which I will share in an upcoming blog, I explained that the government of Christ is and always has been a 7 divisional government. The number 7 is a holy number and speaks of perfection and completion. The head of each region of perfection is an Angel, appointed there by our Lord Jesus Christ.  These Angels have followed the Nation of Israel before the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Today they follow the Church. In Daniel's time the 7 divisional government of Christ was in Babylon with Israel. 

Dan 10:13  But the ruler of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days. But lo, Michael, one of the chief rulers, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. 
Again, I have already explained that the Prince of Persia was a demonic fallen angel that withstood this man that had brought Daniel the interpretation he had asked for. For 21 days the battle raged in the heavens and Michael one of the regional angels came and took over the battle while this man waited with the kings of Persia. The "kings" were the other six regional Angels. Why were they there? That was where Israel was at. Remember when Jacob wrestled with the Angel in order to get a blessing? Jacob's name was changed to Israel and when that happened Jacob, now Israel, saw a ladder come down from heaven and Angels ascending and descending down the ladder. Why? The 7 regional government of Christ was now assigned to Israel. It was part of the blessing! Now if Rome was the empire through which the anti-Christ would come through then the devil's seat of power, his gates would be in Rome right?
However, Jesus tells us in Rev 2:13 that the devils seat is Pergamos. Where is Pergamos?

Turkey! Turkey where the Ottoman empire began it's 600 plus year dynasty. What did Jesus say about his church?
Mat 16:18  And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 
Jesus ordered his 7 divisional government to the gates of hell. Guess what? The gates of hell could not prevail against the church then and they sure can't prevail today! In fact, God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy against the devils 10 divisional government in chapter 28.
Eze 28:7  behold, therefore I will bring awesome strangers of the nations. And they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom, and they shall defile your brightness.
We are the strangers of the nations! Friend, a mighty end time harvest is about to occur and it is through revelation knowledge about the schemes of the devil that we take back what he has stolen. Understand, Islam has stolen from that harvest. We as a Christian Nation, will take those souls back for God. God's word will not and can not return to Him void, not accomplishing that which it was sent forth to do. Today, is the day of victory! Understand that the number 10 is the number for tribulation and trials. Just as God tried Egypt with the 10 plagues and brought victory to Israel, victory is assured in this hour. Trials and tribulations are set for the devil and his imps and it will come through Jesus and his believers! So as the title suggested, there is a storm coming. Not for God's people, but for the devil. He has made his plans and intentions for global domination. However, the devil has forgot to prepare for the total domination by our Champion Jesus! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Seal Broken Scripture Unlocked

Now that we know more about Daniel's vision about the 10 toes of the final government, is there more to learn? Is there evidence that supports what I call the 10 government world system of the anti-Christ?
Let's investigate. The first thing , we will have to discover and further substantiate the ten government system, is to go back to Daniel's writings. In the 10th chapter of Daniel we find recorded an incident that is not only curious, but revealing in understanding the kingdom of the devil. Reminding ourselves that the image of the coming kingdoms, the building of the image began at the top rather than the bottom. So, the construction of the 10 government system has already been built in the heavens and will materialize in the Earth over a progression of time. Of which, we are now living. Daniel had been praying for an interpretation of a vision. The answer had not come for some time. While Daniel was at the edge of the  river bank Tigris, he saw a man. You can read of the description of the man in verses 5 and 6 of chapter 10 of Daniel. One thing intriguing about this sighting was that when the man spoke his voice sounded like the voice of a multitude. We can conclude from this statement and his dress that this was no ordinary man. In Chapter 10 verse 12 we hear from this man that he is no ordinary messenger. That he was at the throne of God when Daniel's prayer came before God requesting knowledge of the vision he had. At that moment he began a journey to Daniel to give him the interpretation of the vision he requested. However, He was delayed in bringing the interpretation to Daniel. Why? What delayed this man? Verse 13 explains the delay; Dan 10:13  But the ruler of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days. But lo, Michael, one of the chief rulers, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. A ruler of the kingdom of Persia delayed him for 21 days. Now this was not an ordinary being that withstood him for he was not an ordinary man. In fact the battle was so fierce this man called for back up. Michael a chief ruler, or what we would know as an Angel came and assisted and took over the battle. Once the battle was won this man came to Daniel and gave him the interpretation. Now if this was no ordinary ruler and the battle was not in an ordinary place, where did the battle take place? The Apostle Paul gives us insight through the Holy Spirit which helps interpret this passage of scripture. Paul states, Eph 6:12  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the world's rulers, of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

So this battle took place in the heavens. Why? Because that is where the 10 government system of the devil was at that time. That is where he ruled and reigned from. It will not be in the Earth until the final form of government is attained and the son of perdition is identified. But, that is another prophetic timeline to be discussed later. So we will continue with this prophecy of Daniel's and why I believe it is not the Roman Empire. In chapter 7 Daniel had another vision of the coming empire of the devil. In this one it related to beasts and the empire's they represent. For centuries we have always related beasts to the identity of a country. Today, if I asked you what country is represented by the bald eagle you would answer? Right, the United States. Most folks still remember that the bear represents? Russia or the old Soviet Union. So the beasts that Daniel is seeing are representations of the coming kingdoms. Just like the image of the metal man that he saw, he is seeing the beasts of those countries. Now the first one that he saw was a lion with eagles wings. Archaeologists have discovered these same beasts made into the decor of the ancient Babylonian structures. When this image was seen it represented Babylon. Another thing I would like to add. In verse 3 of Chapter 7 Daniel states that these beasts came from the sea. The sea is representative as populous. For example, we use the term Sea of People. These kingdoms came from the sea of nations. So the first image out of the sea was the Lion which represented Babylon. The first kingdom in the metal man was a golden head again which we knew was Babylon. So these beasts are a confirmation of the metal man that we discussed earlier. The 2nd beast was in the form of a bear. It was raised up on one side indicating that there was one side of the bear stronger than the other, In other words the bear represented two kingdoms. One kingdom was stronger than the other. It was the Persian side of the bear that was stronger while Median side was the weaker of the two. However, combined the strength of the two kingdoms would be more than the Babylonians could fight against. They would succumb to their great strength which was why the bear had three ribs in it's mouth. The bear had already conquered Egypt and Lydia and now Babylon. In each case you will notice that each conquering kingdom devoured the previous. Interestingly, we can understand that the strength of the new kingdom was fed to it from the strength of the previous. Never had the world known the strength of Babylon. Then Babylon had never knew the strength of the Medo-Persian kingdom. The next kingdom that Daniel saw was the Leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads. First, the leopard was the known symbol of Greece. The 4 wings speak of the speed that this military force would move and the speed of which it's leader would rise. From the time that he took his father's throne to his death was 13 years. In as little as 13 years, Alexander the Great had overcome the greatest world empires and had become one of the greatest rulers at the time. Another interesting side note is that the number 13 symbolizes rebellion. Interesting when you think about the fact that the devil's plans are all based on his rebellion from God. Now when Alexander the Great died he had no known heir. When asked by his aids who to hand the country over to for rule he replied, to the strongest. The kingdom was divided among his generals hence the 4 heads of the leopard. The next beast to arise from the sea was a frightening and terrifying beast that had 10 horns. It had iron teeth and it stomped and crushed all the kingdoms before it. It devoured the previous kingdoms. In each of the following instances we can simply go back and study the rise and fall of these empires. You will discover that they all interlace with the other. However, when we introduce the next beast is where most preachers and teachers bring in the Roman Empire. Today, they will defend this by stating this has been taught this way since the 1600's. So for 400 plus years this theory has been taught. Because of that we are to conclude it is right? I will remind you that Martin Luther brought a school of thought to Germany that was believed to be right teaching. It was that wrong teaching that led Germany, 500 years later, into persecution of a Jewish people and almost to their extermination. So just because it has been taught for a long time does not mean it is right. 

We talked about the 10 Divisional Government of the devil and it's location in the heavens at the time of Daniel. Also, we talked about the Prince of Persia who was in the air battling against Michael. I call this demon the "Cutter" demon. He was the same demon that the prophets of Baal were worshiping when Elijah challenged the prophets to a God contest. It had not rained for 3 years at the command of the Prophet Elijah. The prophets of Baal were calling on their god to make it rain. They had been praying from morning until noon. Elijah taunted the so-called prophets to pray louder, that maybe their god couldn't hear their prayers. The prophets began performing a curious ritual of cutting themselves. This same ritual has been performed by the Shi'ite sect of the Islam religion. The Shi'ite believers cut themselves on the festival day of Ashura. From young to old these believer use swords and knives to cut themselves. On one of these festivals while the Shi'ite believers were worshipping at a fevered pitch a being was captured on film. These bloodied men were waving their swords up and down most with blood flowing from the tip of their swords. This being was waving his own sword back at them in same fashion. I believe this is the one and only Prince of Persia caught on film.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Seal has been broken

Like most of you I grew up hearing and reading the stories of the Bible. I learned about Noah, Abraham, Samson, David,  Daniel and many others. One of the things, that I learned as I grew up, was that these were more than just stories or fables. These were not well thought tall tales for the purposes of entertaining children. These stories were the detailed accounts of men's lives that were lived out in faith of a living God. During these men's lives were accounts of things that happened, and God's instructions about what would happen. Intriguing to most, is the "about to happen" instructions, that we call today, prophecy. The book of Daniel was written around 530 b.c.  Daniel, a prophet of God, was taken into captivity by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel is brought into the service of the Most High by nothing other than a great need to protect his life. King Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed a dream and couldn't remember it. So intriguing was the dream, that the King knew that it's knowledge and interpretation had to be known.  A decree was ordered from the King. He demanded for the soothsayers, magicians and wise men to remind him of the dream and interpret it or die. The King's captain came to slay Daniel, to which, Daniel asked for time to pray unto his God. One of the lessons to be learned from this particular incident in Daniel's life and the lives of Israel was prayer. Up to this point, Daniel had not prayed for the leaders that God had placed over him. How can I come to that conclusion? The enemy will always attack you at your weakest spot. Looking for the chink in the armor has always been a tactic of warfare. Daniel's weak spot was his lack of prayer for the rulers placed over him. After this incident, we see that Daniel regularly prayed for his leaders and because of those prayers, the hand of favor was always upon Daniel. So pray for your leaders, even when you don't agree with them. This incident not only placed Daniel in the good graces of the King, but also revealed a prophetic picture and timeline that has affected generations of people, even today. What was the prophetic picture and dream?

An image was revealed to the king. The image was in the form of a man. Daniel had received the interpretation of the image from God. Daniel began to relate to the King the interpretation of the image. The first thing that Daniel revealed was that the image was in the form of a being that would have it's existence through the ruling powers of men. Daniel explained to Nebuchadnezzar that the first part of this being was the head. The head was where the being begins. Daniel explained that the head of gold was the Kingdom of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar was the beginning of rulers or King of Kings. Daniel explained that this being would continue it's growth, metamorphosing  into a new part of this being until it's conclusion of it's feet. Each part of this being would have a new and different look but be a part of the entire image. This prophecy, which was revealed to Daniel, has been a prophecy that has affected mankind since it's revelation. The uniqueness of this image is interesting to consider. While men build things from the ground up, this image was built from the head down. One only has to think about this to rightly understand the implications of this being. In Ezekiel, the prophet explained an important insight to the true ruler of Tyre which was identified as the devil. Ezekiel further explained the following;  Eze 28:2  Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyre, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Because thy heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a god, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art man, and not God, though thou didst set thy heart as the heart of God. Interestingly enough, We see the explanation that the devil's heart was lifted up and that he believed he sat in the seat of God. The thought process of the devil is to build from where his heart is, from the throne room down. So one only has to examine this being, to realize that it is the devil's kingdom being built from the head down to it's completion on the Earth.  Now, the writings of Daniel informs us of the first two kingdoms. The golden head was Babylon and the second kingdom of silver was the Medes and Persian empire. From this point on is an area of intrigue. Why?

Daniel was told to do something that has affected our full knowledge until, I believe, the times that we live in today.
Dan 12:4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel was instructed to seal up the book. Interestingly enough, I believe that Daniel went to his grave with the interpretation of the image. When we research the story of King Belshazzar in chapter 5 Daniel knew the Medes and Persians were about to take the Babylonian empire and the second stage of empire construction was underway. The seal of interpretation was placed upon the book of Daniel and it's opening of the seal could only be obtained through the passage of time. What was that time period? One where man could travel instantaneously from one space to another. Now, I know you might say well that is definitely not this time period. However, things began to change and knowledge increased exponentially when the internet was introduced into society.
Not only, can I from my computer screen talk to others in distant lands but with a simple search I can travel and look at all the attractions of that land instantly. Simply by searching the internet I can learn about things that are not taught in my history books. My knowledge can and has been greatly increased simply by a search. Stories that are shared can be investigated to insure the truth of it with a stroke of a key. With the knowledge we have access to today,via the internet, that has changed all of our understanding. 

For hundreds of years we have been instructed with the knowledge that the Iron legs of the image was the Roman empire. We have been further instructed that the feet of the image made of clay and iron mixed would be the revised Roman empire. However, I believe this has been a wrong understanding. The first problem in this train of thought is scripture itself. Daniel wrote of the end of days and there is another book that is a partner to this vision. That book was written on the Isle of Patmos by John. The book of Revelations teaches us important things about the final days and also about the time that John was living in. John lived during the Roman empire. Did John give us understanding about the Roman Empire. Yes he did.  John writes in Revelation 17:8 that the beast, or the Antichrist, was and is not now.
The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder when they see the beast, that he was and is not and will come.
[Revelation 17:8 NASB]

The kingdom in power at the time of John’s writing was Rome. Since John tells us the beast was and is not, we can remove Rome from the list. John is saying that the revived kingdom will not be Rome. It will be one of the previous five – a kingdom that was. I can’t highlight this enough so here it is again: the kingdom that was will come again, not the one that is at the time of John’s writing. He uses the same sort of language to tell us again in Revelation 17:11.

“The beast which was and is not, is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction.
[Revelation 17:11 NASB]
Again, the kingdom which was in power at this time was Rome. John has just told us that the kingdom that is to be revived existed before Rome. Therefore, Rome cannot be the revived kingdom. Let me take you through this section of Scripture again, carefully, verse by verse.
Revelation 17:8-11 NASB [8] “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder when they see the beast, that he was and is not and will come.
The beast is the future Antichristian king, kingdom, kingship. John says it was, meaning before the time of his writing. He says it is not, meaning it does not exist at the time of his writing. And finally he says it is about to reappear and go to destruction. John then reiterates that the beast was, is not and is to come in verse eight.
[9] “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits, [10] and they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while.
The seven heads are seven kings. Five have fallen before the time of John’s writing. They are the kings of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. Remember, these also represent kingdoms (because a king can’t be a king without one) and kingships as well. The one that existed during the time of John’s writing was Rome. This is the one that is. The other that has not yet come is the future Antichrist’s kingdom.
[11] “The beast which was and is not, is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction.
Here again, the beast that was and is not is the future Antichrist and his kingdom. which existed before the Roman Empire. It is also an 8th kingdom because of the numerical succession of its appearance. This means that the Antichrist will appear after the 7th kingdom is already created. Now, you may be thinking, if the 7th kingdom is the Antichrist’s kingdom, how can he appear after it and rule an 8th kingdom? Scripture tells us the 7th kingdom will be in power before the Antichrist steps up to rule it [Dan 7:7-8, 7:23-24]. This is what marks the difference between the 7th and the 8th kingdoms. He will make this existing kingdom his own therefore making it an 8th. In fact, he will make it his own so much so that he will hate the harlot, the false religious system that allowed him to become the world ruler, and destroy her [Rev 17:12, 16-18].
John is telling us, in the book of Revelation, that the Antichrist’s future kingdom will be one of the five kingdoms previous to Rome. Therefore, it cannot be Rome. What this means is that “Babylon”, as it is used in Revelation 18, is not a metaphor for Rome but a geographic clue to the location of the Antichrist’s future kingdom. Rome is in Europe, not the Middle East. This also means that“Babylon” is not being used as a metaphor for anything that did not exist before the time of Rome. This would include both the United States and the Vatican, two popular choices for the beast. Neither of these existed before Rome, which is a prerequisite for the final kingdom.

 So if not Rome, then who? There was another nation that we fail to highlight in most of our lessons of world conquest. That nation came to power after Rome and is from the middle east region which fits our prophecies of John and Daniel. What Nation? Turkey. The Ottoman Empire. This empire ruled from 1299-1923. For 624 years the Ottoman empire ruled and reigned throughout the middle east. It was the Nation to come after the fall of Rome. More importantly, the Ottoman Empire fulfills the prophecies of John and Daniel. First let us examine John's prophecies. John stated that the kingdom that was to come would have a history connected to the kingdoms that already had come. The Ottoman Empire definitely fills the bill. The Ottoman Empire  consisted of the Safavid Empire. The Safavids were Persian and cousins of the Ottomans. Contained in the Safavid Empire which became the Ottoman Empire was also modern day Iraq, Babylonian Empire.When we compare this to John's prophecy to the Ottoman Empire meets all the prophetic requirements of Revelations. Now going to Daniel and his image of the being we are about to see some very exciting and enlightening revelations. First, observing the image of the kingdom of iron you will take notice that there are 2 legs. I believe this is key essential to understanding and unlocking the knowledge of the revised empire to come. The 2 legs speak of 2 powers but are one in body. You have two legs independent of one another yet operate together to move the body. The Ottoman Empire's official religion was Islam. There were 2 different divisions of Islam at the time and that was the Shi'ite and the Sunni. The Turks were predominantly Sunni while the Safavid's were Shi'ite. These two sects were divided over political issues in the Islam religion. The differences came after an argument ensued over who was to lead the Muslim faith after the death of the prophet Mohammed. How can two differing sects still work together. First, neither side believe the other has committed apostasy they just differ on who should have ruled. This is another example of the 2 legs  working as one unit. There was one ruling empire but the religion was separated by political differences. With all the evidence combined one can easily come to the understanding that the Ottoman Empire is the Iron legs of Daniel's image.This is also the key to understanding the 10 toes mixed with iron and clay.  In the past preachers have been teaching the ten governments of the anti-Christ would be involved in the United Nations and most recently the European Union. Trying to keep Rome as the Iron legs government has caused them great confusion. First it was a European government rather than a middle eastern government. Then came adding governments to the United Nations and taking away to come to the number 10. One important thing to consider in the government interpretation is a verse of scripture that the Apostle Paul wrote. Eph 6:12  For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 

We covered earlier that Daniel's image is built from the head down. So following the example of the image, construction of the first form of the devil's government has to be one of a spiritual form first. It has to come from the heavenlies and then constructed down to the Earth. So taking from that example the government has to have a religion that is part of the government. We see that example in the Iron legs of the beast. Both legs were one power yet with two individualities involved in the political process of the religion.Today there are different sects of Islam but there are 9 basic sects. These are the following 9 basic sects; Sunni, Shi'ite, Kharajis, Druze, Alawi, Ismali, Ahmadiyyah, Sufi, Wahhabi. Any denomination if there is such a thing in the Islam religion comes from these basic sect. That was until 2011. In February of 2011 a new sect of Islam was introduced into the religion. 

Chris-lam became the 10th toe of the clay and iron mixed feet of Daniel's image. All conducive to the mix of the Islam religion and a world tying political process of government rise of the revived Islamic Empire. This process has taken over 2500 years to develop. Along with this process we also seen the rise of this Islamic Empire right before our eyes through the media reporting agencies of the world. They labeled it the Arab Spring. As bystanders, we watched the toppling of governments from Tunisia to the current onslaught occurring in Syria. Who stood to gain the most in this Arab Spring? Of course, the Sunni Muslim. Just like the Ottoman Empire of old the Sunni Muslims will be the reigning force. This also fulfilled the prophecies of Ezekiel who spoke of the great bands of people that would sweep across the land. Eze 38:9  And you shall go up, coming like a storm. You shall be like a cloud to cover the land, you and all your bands, and many peoples with you. Folks, knowledge has increased and people are running to and fro throughout the Earth. The seal of the book of Daniel has been broken!