How many times have we seen this gloomy question? Will America survive? The prophets of doom and gloom have been predicting the demise of Americans for years now. Every disaster or freak storm points to the impending destruction thereby supporting their prophecies of doom. Meanwhile, people build shelters to go underground in effect looking more like the fulfillment of the prophetic scripture of Revelation.
Rev 6:16 and they say to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
Destructive storms, economic collapses, weird anomalies all seem to feed these prophets of doom and it appears that even our pulpits of the local church also began to share the same. New books written and videos dispersed and blogs shared of the impending destruction. It appears that the flyswatter of God is drawn back and ready to annihilate the United States. So what do we need to do? Build shelters? Stock up on food? Buy another instruction DVD? If only we knew what Jesus would be saying at this time. Would Jesus join in the plagiarizing of the gloom and doom prophets? Is this the end or is there another explanation?
I am not dismissing the Prophet or his importance to the government of Christ. No in fact, I am very much a supporter of the office and believe that the office of the prophet is one of the most misunderstood and under appreciated oldest office established by our Lord. However, I do hold to the idea that men and women have used the office of the prophet for profit and that is a sin. The prophet of God was never designed for profit. In fact let us look at the example of the prophet given us in God's Holy Scriptures. The first identified prophet listed in scripture is identified by none other than God Himself.
Gen 20:7 Now therefore, restore his wife to the man. For he is a prophet, and he shall pray for you, and you shall live. And if you do not restore her, know that you shall surely die, you, and all that are yours.
When God identifies you as a prophet I believe that settles it. However, in following Abraham's life we don't see the mystic prophet as we have come to understand in our world today. Also, another glaring example set forth in Abraham's life is that he did not profit from the prophetic office. In fact, Abraham was very careful with attributing his successes in life to God alone.
Gen 14:22 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand to Jehovah, the most high God, the possessor of Heaven and earth,
Gen 14:23 that I will take from all that is yours, not from a thread even to a shoestring, lest you say, I have made Abram rich
Ahem! That is a little different than the so called prophets today! The Prophets of old from Abraham on down through the scriptures never sold the word of God for profit. God forbid! However, the uncouth modern day prophet has little care, how or where their profit comes from, and everything including God's word is for sale to the highest bidder. While today, we watch as the so-called prophet scurries around from venue to venue, church to church, believer to believer, never do you see a "prophet"do that in the bible. Today, we have men and women, posing as prophets, giving personal prophecies in the church to self indulgent Christians, who are looking for their slot machine prophets to "give them a word". It appears today that the modern day prophet would be willing to have their prophets sign in front of their house alongside their tarot card reading sign as long as it brought the desired response, CASH!
Well, as we research the prophets we find a glaring difference from the profits, uh, prophets today. What about Jesus? Would His message resemble the message of the Prophets of doom?
John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.
So, the message of Jesus was one of knowledge based on salvation. His message glorified God's love for the people and God's desire to deliver not condemn. Does God warn? Yes! God warns those whom He loves and always has a plan of salvation. Jesus could have walked through Israel declaring the impending doom of the nation and point out all the signs of God's intent to destroy such a sinful people. Did he? No. In fact, Jesus declared, that He was the same TODAY, as He was YESTERDAY, as He will be FOREVER! And his message was that He came to save. He didn't chase people around wanting to "give a word". He didn't sell of a good word to the highest bidder. If Jesus didn't do that 2,000 years ago why would He change His message today?
What happened to Israel? The Nation of Israel had walked away from the knowledge of truth. They gave up their faith in God and began gambling on themselves, their king, even other heathen gods. Did it happen instantaneously? No. They rested in the success of the blessings from God. They lived their lives daily without thankfulness. They would go through the religious mandates from the priests. Step by step they walked from the truth of their relationship. They began to imagine that their success was because of their greatness and not God's greatness. Their blessings came from what their leaders did and not what God did. Step by step they walked from the truth that was known in their heart and slowly, but surely followed down this "new" path. The path that they took was a path of severe consequence and destruction. The path that they traveled was one that had far worse tragedy than what has ever been spoken over most Americans today.
Why did this occur? They rejected a known truth! While we have laws that say ignorance of the law is no excuse, society as a whole are more merciful for someone who just didn't know than we are for people who knew yet decided to break the rules anyway. Of all the nations of the Earth, Israel knew the One true God. Yet, they rejected God.
The same God that led the nation of Israel out of bondage, parted the Red Sea, had Angels fight for them, blew down the walls of Jericho and performed miracle after miracle and supplied provision after provision, was the same God that Israel forgot. Time would have it that they lost their way even while living in the promised land. God reached out to Israel with men and women that He chose. Israel would repent and then walk to another path. Israel continued the process they learned when walking in the desert after being delivered out of Egypt. Walk in faith and then get lost. God would rise up a Judge, King or Prophet and Israel would repent. They would return to the known kingdom and the blessings of God would again flourish the nation.
While we argue over the belief of whether we are a Christian nation or not, I believe we have missed a more important failure, than that of the actual statement. Like Israel of old, we have identified ourselves in our government and our accomplishments as a nation rather than honoring God and the Kingdom of His Government that His Son Jesus established in the Earth. We have a condition that I would like to call Spiritual Amnesia. We have failed to remember who God is, what Jesus has done, and our life in His Kingdom. We have rejected the knowledge of One way and chose to believe that there are many ways. As a nation of "believers" we have chosen to accept any belief as right and none are wrong. Why is that so wrong? Because, it refuses to honor the only way Jesus, the truth and the light in a darkened world. A voice thundered from the heavens 2,000 years ago and still thunders today. This is my Beloved Son! In Him I am well pleased! Matthew records something I believe is stunning and prophetic. God didn't just speak this over Jesus one time. No! Three times He exclaimed this from the heavens! There is no other way to God except through His Beloved Son Jesus! What happens when we reject God's truth?
Is there an explanation? Yes, I believe there is. Hosea, a prophet of God was told to publish a statement from the Lord. I believe it was more of an education of rules than an explanation. Let us investigate.
Hos 4:1 Sons of Israel, hear the Word of Jehovah, for Jehovah has a quarrel with those living in the land; for there is no truth, and no mercy, and no knowledge of God in the land.
God begins the illumination with a curious statement. God has a quarrel with those living in the land. The very first thing that we have overlooked in this passage is what the quarrel was. Israel was living in the land. Just like Americans or Christians are living in the land. We have been called to live in God. In His Kingdom, not the land. Did God give Israel the promised land? Yes. However, Abraham taught his descendants to live in the mercies of God. To honor God. Follow where He leads, but your residence is in God. You live where your faith dwells. Abraham would dare not do anything that would take from the honor or favor that came from Almighty God. In God is the truth. Only in God is mercy found. Our knowledge is based in His truth and His mercy. However, like Israel of old we have lost sight of this and are prideful in what we have done, our jobs, our houses, yes our churches and our country. We reside in the land and not in God. Your tower, your rock, the stronghold is not in the land.
Hos 4:2 Swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and the committing of adultery increase. And blood touches against blood.
There is no honor in men and as they have abandoned their God it is witnessed in their marital relationships. Since 1977, divorce rates have hovered around 50% and sometimes higher in America. What about the churches? Same.
Hos 4:3 On account of this the land shall mourn, and every one living in it shall droop, with the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven; yes, also the fish of the sea shall be removed.
The land shall mourn and everyone living in it shall droop. The greatest economic disaster this nation has seen has occurred in 2008 and we have "drooped" as a nation since. what about the beasts?
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Unexplained Fish Kills. |
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Birds Falling from the Sky. |
Here is where the doomsday prophets are going to say, "Behold the judgement of God!"Hos 4:4 Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another. For your people are as those who strive with the priest.
Another translation explains it better.
Hos 4:4 "No one should accuse other people or bring charges against them. My case is against you priests.
Why is God's legal dispute against the priest?
Hos 4:5 During the day you stumble, and during the night the prophets stumble with you. So I will destroy your mother, the nation of Israel.
Who was supposed to care and nurture Israel? God! Not the nation. Not the land! Not the priest. The priest failed to instruct Israel. They failed to lead them into the true knowledge and sought after riches rather than truth.
Hos 4:6 I will destroy my people because they are ignorant. You have refused to learn, so I will refuse to let you be my priests. You have forgotten the teachings of your God, so I will forget your children.
Hos 4:7 The more priests there are, the more they sin against me. So I will turn their glory into shame.
We have watched through the years disgraced and sinful preachers that are more knowledgeable of covering their sins than preaching the knowledge of God. The truths of the Kingdom have been hidden from the minds of the people and what the people have misplaced their trust is now laid waste before them. Disgraceful preachers preach a guilt ridden and burdensome religion and the nation buckles under the yoke. Why? To expose them! God's judgment is against the preacher! Will America survive?
I have good news for you. In fact, I have news for you that is too good to be true!
Hos 6:2 After two days he will revive us. On the third day he will raise us so that we may live in his presence.
Hos 6:3 Let's learn about the LORD. Let's get to know the LORD. He will come to us as sure as the morning comes. He will come to us like the autumn rains and the spring rains that water the ground.
The truth has come to you today. Jesus has been resurrected to resurrect you! God desires to raise up this nation! Will America survive? Yes! America shall be saved. God is bringing the truth to the people. Blinders will be removed and the people will see again! Rejoice America! You have not been forgotten! God's judgement is not against you! No, He desires to bring you to a higher life. A life of abundance! All you have to do is turn back to Jesus! Live in His Government, which is greater than any government you may have lived in before. Walk in His ways and share His blessings with others. He has decreed that in His government you are a lender and not a borrower! How is that possible? As an Ambassador of His Government your income potential is not regulated by the government you might be currently living in. No, Your prosperity is regulated by the Government of Christ! Rejoice for the Kingdom of Heaven has come to you today! Prepare for your personal resurrection. Jesus is Alive!
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