Friday, February 12, 2016

Kingdom Displacement Pt. II

Hello! Welcome to another kingdom teaching. Last week we began teaching about kingdom displacement. We left off talking about the Kingdom of Heaven and its structure. Before we talk about the other kingdoms let's join in prayer. Father, thank you for the instruction you have given us through your Precious Holy Spirit. Father, we know that you do not desire for us to be ignorant of your will, your way, or your kingdom. Enlighten and open our understanding and allow us to grow in your knowledge. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Now, the second kingdom on our list is our personal kingdom. Our personal kingdom is built through our own pursuits of selfish desires. Understand, that you can be pursuing godly interests and then end up in building your own kingdom rather than working in the kingdom of God. The devil is an expert in turning a godly pursuit into a selfish kingdom building pursuit. What do I mean by this? First, let’s examine the fall of Adam and Eve. Gen 3:1 The snake was more clever than all the wild animals the LORD God had made. He asked the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must never eat the fruit of any tree in the garden'?"
Why was the snake more clever than all the wild animals?
 Because, the devil had taken possession of the snake. Just like the demons that asked to be cast into the herd of pigs, the devil had taken possession of the snake. So, we can literally interpret this as the devil is the cleverest of all creation. Examine how clever he is. He first began by casting doubt on God’s word. Did God really say? This is a method of operation that he always uses. Why? Because, he doubts God. Understand that the devil has made his desire known by stating for the record that he desired to exalt his throne over God’s throne. He will always utilize doubt of God’s word. When you are being approached by someone that is under the oppression of the devil, he will utilize this very same method, Did God really say? Do you really believe that the bible is God’s word? He will always tempt you to walk away from faith in God's word and walk in doubt. The first step to disobedience is walking in doubt. The second attack is the God desire that has been placed within you. Remember, God will give you the desires of your heart. He will place within your spirit Godly desire. In this case, the devil used their love to be like God against Adam and Eve. Gen 3:4 "You certainly won't die!" the snake told the woman.
Gen 3:5 "God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened. You'll be like God, knowing good and evil."
Notice, that the devil uses their love for God against them. When I was growing up I wanted to be like my Dad. My sister and I would have fights with each other about who was more like our Dad. When you love someone and cherish them so much you want to be like them. The devil knew this and used their own love and desire against them to turn them in building their own kingdom. He attempted to do the same thing with Jesus.  Understand, when Adam and Eve sinned their hearts cried out immediately for redemption. The heart cry for redemption is what moved Jesus from the throne to the cross. His greatest desire was for mankind to be redeemed. Kenneth Hagin talked about the time he met Jesus. Hagin stated that when he looked into the eyes of Jesus, His eyes looked like pools of liquid love. Jesus has a great love for you. The disciples witnessed this and made mention of it many times in the gospels by stating that Jesus moved with great compassion. This great passion and great love for mankind was also His greatest dilemma in the garden of Gethsemane. When Jesus was sweating great drops blood at the garden, I have heard some suggest it was because He knew He was fixing to be separated from His Father and this was very hard to bear. However, when we research the scriptures we find the prophetic word about the death burial and resurrection of Christ throughout the Old Testament. Jesus knew the prophetic word because He is the Word! He knew that even if His bed was made in the pit of Sheol that God would be there (Psalms 139:8). So, what was the great struggle that Christ had in the garden? We will have to go to the temptation in the desert by the devil to figure it out. What was the greatest temptation of Christ?
Luk 4:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
Luk 4:7 If thou, therefore, wilt worship me, all shall be thine. Remember, the method of operation that the devil uses? He uses our greatest love against us. In Adam and Eve, it was their love of God. With Jesus, it was His love for you and I. Jesus even proclaimed the great love that God has for you and me in John 3:16. For God so loved the world! The great struggle Jesus had in the garden was that He was about to leave in bodily form His creation.
 Jesus came to the Earth to redeem mankind and the devil tempted Him with an alternative. If Jesus had taken the alternative He would have started building His own personal kingdom instead of the Kingdom of God. The world and all its inhabitants were the devil's to give. He was given the lease of ownership and dominion by Adam. Jesus could have redeemed mankind without the death burial and resurrection. However, it would have allowed the devil to exalt his kingdom and throne above God's throne. Remember, Jesus was tempted in all ways as you and I are, but did not sin. There have been many good and godly intentions that have been sidetracked by personal desires. Well-meaning desires, but turned selfish. For example, in Ezekiel chapter 28 we can read of the Prince of Tyre that Ezekiel prophesied. He told the King, who God commanded Ezekiel to instead call him a prince, that he had wisdom that was greater than the prophet Daniel. This wisdom was a gift from God to help build the kingdom of God. However, the King used this great wisdom to build his own personal kingdom. The devil will always try to get you off in the ditch. Even when it comes to God speaking to you. The Prophet Elijah had run and hid (I Kings 19:10). God told Elijah that He was going to come and talk to Elijah. When the devil heard this news he sent three other messengers to get Elijah off track. First, a fierce wind (tornado), an earthquake, and then a fire. However, Elijah was not fooled. It was not until Elijah heard the loving whisper of our Lord did he come out. Don’t be fooled by the enemy. Also, when you begin walking for the Lord and living in the kingdom always check your motives. Am I doing this for the betterment of the Kingdom of my Lord or is it to my own selfish desires. Am I doing this for fame or fortune? Am I doing this in order to be approved of others? I can tell you that you will be tried in all these areas. The devil will attempt to derail you and get you to build your own personal kingdom. There have been times in my life that I have done things that others did not understand or approve of. That’s okay. I am not building my own personal kingdom for them to approve. I am walking and talking with Jesus and He guides my footsteps and instructs me. There have been times others have questioned why I did this or that. That is okay. People will question you. However, you are not working to their kingdom, but to God’s.
When we are working to God’s Kingdom we will often check ourselves with Godly counsel. There is not a problem with this, in fact, we should encourage each other to do this. Godly counsel is important for us, so I do not want anyone to take what I am talking about and run off in the ditch on the other side. We should always be balanced in our walk. Understand, when you seek Godly counsel it will be a witness to the Holy Spirit within you. However, we shouldn’t allow Godly counsel to turn against the leading of the Holy Spirit. A perfect example of this is found in the life of the Apostle Paul. In the 21st chapter of Acts, we read about a prophet Agabus that came to Paul with his feet and hands bound with Paul’s belt. Agabus had been given the vision by the Holy Spirit. Instead of sharing with Paul this is what I have been shown is this confirming a word to you by the Holy Spirit? Agabus and others reacted with fear. This was distressful to Paul. There are times that when we do something that we will encounter problems. We will be tempted to doubt whether we are in the will of God. We will question am I somehow building my own kingdom and not God’s? God has sent us a Comforter! We should always work in the Spirit of Comfort and not fear. We will be tempted to instruct others how we believe they should do things. Inadvertently, we are pushing them in the direction of their own personal kingdom building rather than in the direction of God’s. Fortunately, the Apostle Paul was able to use this witness with wisdom and not be distracted from his assignment. The Holy Spirit had told Paul what awaited him. Remember what Jesus told Ananias in Acts chapter 9? I will show him (Paul) what great things he must suffer for my name's sake? The Holy Spirit had shown Paul what was fixing to occur and Agabus was to confirm this word to Paul. This word from Agabus was intended to be confirmation and a comfort. Instead, Agabus attempted to get Paul to rebel from God's guidance and use fear to get Paul walking in his own personal kingdom. Sometimes we can be derailed by good intentions. So, as the Apostle John explained in I John 4:1 we should test the spirit of the word that is given. How do we test it? By the Holy Spirit.
This is another reason for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t understand the purpose for the baptism this should be a simple explanation. First, who is the leader of the Kingdom of Heaven in the Earth? The Holy Spirit! How can you be led by someone you have not shown allegiance too? Secondly, how can you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit if you do not have Him within you? How can you test the word of a prophet without the 3rd person of the God-Head dwelling within you? The simple answer is you can’t. The baptism of the Holy Spirit was so important to the believers in the book of Acts 8 that when they heard that no one had received the baptism through the preaching of Phillip in Samaria they sent Peter and John there to lay hands on the new believers and pray for the infilling. We have not placed the importance of this today and, unfortunately, I believe this has greatly grieved the Holy Spirit. Jesus said He will be with you and will be in you! This is only possible through the infilling/baptism of the Holy Spirit. So, if you have not received the infilling/baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues I would encourage you to seek Him today. Remember, seek and you shall find, ask and it will be given, knock and the door will open. Also, remember Jesus said if you ask your father for a fish will he give you a snake? No! Then how much more will your Father in heaven give you good gifts? The greatest gift after salvation is the baptism of the Holy Spirit! There are many more things we can learn on this subject, but perhaps we will cover in another lesson. We have covered the first two kingdoms and will cover the others next week! I hope this lesson has encouraged you and opened your eyes with wisdom and understanding. If it has please share with others and I encourage you to come like my page Word Up Ministries on Facebook. Well, like I always say let’s keep Jesus High and Lifted Up in all things. Word Up!

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